Title 1

“... To ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments."
The U.S. Department of Education.

Title 1

The faculty and staff at Bonnie Cone Classical Academy (BCCA),  strive to provide each student with an exceptional experience that shapes their Pre-K-6 academic career. Title 1 support and funding allows us to equip our students with the tools, resources, and knowledge needed to make this possible.

Title I Parent Meeting Slides

For more information from our Title 1 officer or to schedule a tour, contact us. 

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BCCA School Dropoff

What is Title 1?

Title 1 is a federally funded program that provides funding to elementary, middle, and high schools that fulfill a need or crisis within their communities. BCCA Pre-K-6 qualifies as a Title 1 because over 40% of our surrounding student population has been designated as economically disadvantaged. 

How Does Bonnie Cone Classical Academy Use Title 1 Funding?

BCCA uses Title 1 funding to provide each student with an exceptional academic experience. 

  • Apply curriculum improvements, based on the approved state-curriculum
  • Support parental involvement and resources for enrolled families 
  • Increase qualified teachers and staff members 
  • Support in-school programs that will enrich our student’s social, emotional, and academic experience 
  • Supplemental support for math and reading instruction
  • And more  

How Is BCCA Funded? 

During the application process, we will have your family complete a confidential ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) eligibility form. This form will determine Title 1 eligibility and funding for the current school year. Upon re-enrollment for the next school year, your family will be asked to fill out the ESEA form again. 

Apply for BCCA Online

Providing All Students an Opportunity for Quality Education

BCCA’s Title 1 status gives us the necessary funds to provide quality education and support to the entire student body, even those who are economically disadvantaged. We hold each of our students to high academic standards, exhausting the resources we have to empower and provide value to our Pre-K-6 students.